metaphysical monkeys?
Every 4 or so hours, the human world is awake for one minute. The majority of our lives we live on pause. All our lives, they have been there, observing us, studying us. They live everywhere we are not. Between the holes in our collective sense they move. There is no way to ever prove they are there. They leave no trace, but move objects barely perceptibly to the conscious human thought process, while striking deep into the personality, effecting judgement so rapidly, it is impossible to realize it.
Meanwhile, we move around our about 96 hour days, thinking how it so strange that we’re so tired all the time. A woman moves from her living room to her kitchen. The trash basket is probably 2 and half inches to the left than when she saw it last. She has no idea that the suggestion to eat some
They know little of how the changes work, because their (or perhaps anyone’s) interest in fate supersedes any research into the idea. It seems the most efficient items to move are telephones and floor lamps. (the advent of the cellular phone has driven floor lamp movement up ten fold.) The best meddlers simply have an instinct. “This coffee table should be here,” this expert monkey says to himself. He doesn’t measure, and he has no real procedure. He just knows how the coffee table must be shifted to make the father put his foot through the television.
Now while some do it for money, most do it for the sheer curiosity of what might happen after a human puts a foot through a television. These are the monkeys I like, and respect. The other monkeys--the bad monkeys--do whatever it takes to rule the world.
And that’s why I’m here! Captain Dave and the Fearsome Animal Friend Team! Do what you can for justice, I’ll take care of time.
I have learned to avoid this effective mind washing by convincing myself that I make these choices of my own free will. It denies them the satisfaction.
So, in summation, metaphysical monkeys move objects and time outside our reality so when that reality is reinhabited we make judgements according to their will.